在 Tailwind CSS 项目中使用和自定义调色板。
Tailwind CSS 包含一个开箱即用的丰富、美丽的调色板,由专业设计师精心制作,适用于各种不同的设计风格。
¥Tailwind CSS includes a vast, beautiful color palette out of the box, carefully crafted by expert designers and suitable for a wide range of different design styles.
默认调色板中的每种颜色都包含 11 个步骤,其中 50 最浅,950 最深:
¥Every color in the default palette includes 11 steps, with 50 being the lightest, and 950 being the darkest:
<div><div class="bg-sky-50"></div><div class="bg-sky-100"></div><div class="bg-sky-200"></div><div class="bg-sky-300"></div><div class="bg-sky-400"></div><div class="bg-sky-500"></div><div class="bg-sky-600"></div><div class="bg-sky-700"></div><div class="bg-sky-800"></div><div class="bg-sky-900"></div><div class="bg-sky-950"></div></div>
整个调色板可用于所有与颜色相关的工具,包括 背景颜色、边框颜色、fill、插入符号颜色 等。
¥The entire color palette is available across all color related utilities, including things like background color, border color, fill, caret color, and many more.
使用颜色(Working with colors)
¥Working with colors
使用颜色工具(Using color utilities)
¥Using color utilities
使用颜色工具(如 bg-white
和 text-gray-950
¥Use color utilities like bg-white
, border-pink-300
, and text-gray-950
to set the different color properties of elements in your design:
Tom Watson mentioned you in Logo redesign
<div class="flex items-center gap-4 rounded-lg bg-white p-6 shadow-md outline outline-black/5 dark:bg-gray-800"><span class="inline-flex shrink-0 rounded-full border border-pink-300 bg-pink-100 p-2 dark:border-pink-300/10 dark:bg-pink-400/10"> <svg class="size-6 stroke-pink-700 dark:stroke-pink-500"><!-- ... --></svg></span><div> <p class="text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400"> <span class="font-medium text-gray-950 dark:text-white">Tom Watson</span> mentioned you in <span class="font-medium text-gray-950 dark:text-white">Logo redesign</span> </p> <time class="mt-1 block text-gray-500" datetime="9:37">9:37am</time></div></div>
¥Here's a full list of utilities that use your color palette:
Utility | Description |
bg-* | Sets the background color of an element |
text-* | Sets the text color of an element |
decoration-* | Sets the text decoration color of an element |
border-* | Sets the border color of an element |
outline-* | Sets the outline color of an element |
shadow-* | Sets the color of box shadows |
inset-shadow-* | Sets the color of inset box shadows |
ring-* | Sets the color of ring shadows |
inset-ring-* | Sets the color of inset ring shadows |
accent-* | Sets the accent color of form controls |
caret-* | Sets the caret color in form controls |
fill-* | Sets the fill color of SVG elements |
stroke-* | Sets the stroke color of SVG elements |
调整透明度(Adjusting opacity)
¥Adjusting opacity
你可以使用 bg-black/75
之类的语法调整颜色的透明度,其中 75
将颜色的 alpha 通道设置为 75%:
¥You can adjust the opacity of a color using syntax like bg-black/75
, where 75
sets the alpha channel of the color to 75%:
<div><div class="bg-sky-500/10"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/20"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/30"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/40"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/50"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/60"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/70"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/80"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/90"></div><div class="bg-sky-500/100"></div></div>
此语法还支持任意值和 CSS 变量简写:
¥This syntax also supports arbitrary values and the CSS variable shorthand:
<div class="bg-pink-500/[71.37%]"><!-- ... --></div><div class="bg-cyan-400/(--my-alpha-value)"><!-- ... --></div>
定位夜间模式(Targeting dark mode)
¥Targeting dark mode
使用 dark
变体编写类(如 dark:bg-gray-800
¥Use the dark
variant to write classes like dark:bg-gray-800
that only apply a color when dark mode is active:
Light mode
Writes upside-down
The Zero Gravity Pen can be used to write in any orientation, including upside-down. It even works in outer space.
Dark mode
Writes upside-down
The Zero Gravity Pen can be used to write in any orientation, including upside-down. It even works in outer space.
<div class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-800 rounded-lg px-6 py-8 ring shadow-xl ring-gray-900/5"><div> <span class="inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-500 p-2 shadow-lg"> <svg class="h-6 w-6 stroke-white" ...> <!-- ... --> </svg> </span></div><h3 class="text-gray-900 dark:text-white mt-5 text-base font-medium tracking-tight ">Writes upside-down</h3><p class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 mt-2 text-sm "> The Zero Gravity Pen can be used to write in any orientation, including upside-down. It even works in outer space.</p></div>
了解有关在 夜间模式文档 中夜间模式样式的更多信息。
¥Learn more about styling for dark mode in the dark mode documentation.
在 CSS 中引用(Referencing in CSS)
¥Referencing in CSS
颜色在 --color-*
命名空间中作为 CSS 变量公开,因此你可以使用 --color-blue-500
和 --color-pink-700
等变量在 CSS 中引用它们:
¥Colors are exposed as CSS variables in the --color-*
namespace, so you can reference them in CSS with variables like --color-blue-500
and --color-pink-700
@import "tailwindcss";@layer components { .typography { color: var(--color-gray-950); a { color: var(--color-blue-500); &:hover { color: var(--color-blue-800); } } }}
你还可以在工具类中将它们用作 任意值:
¥You can also use these as arbitrary values in utility classes:
<div class="bg-[light-dark(var(--color-white),var(--color-gray-950))]"> <!-- ... --></div>
为了在 CSS 中将颜色引用为变量时快速调整颜色的透明度,Tailwind 包含一个特殊的 --alpha()
¥To quickly adjust the opacity of a color when referencing it as a variable in CSS, Tailwind includes a special --alpha()
@import "tailwindcss";@layer components { .DocSearch-Hit--Result { background-color: --alpha(var(--color-gray-950) / 10%); }}
自定义颜色(Customizing your colors)
¥Customizing your colors
使用 @theme
在 --color-*
¥Use @theme
to add custom colors to your project under the --color-*
theme namespace:
@import "tailwindcss";@theme { --color-midnight: #121063; --color-tahiti: #3ab7bf; --color-bermuda: #78dcca;}
现在,除了默认颜色外,你的项目中还将提供 bg-midnight
和 fill-bermuda
¥Now utilities like bg-midnight
, text-tahiti
, and fill-bermuda
will be available in your project in addition to the default colors.
了解有关在 主题变量文档 中主题变量的更多信息。
¥Learn more about theme variables in the theme variables documentation.
覆盖默认颜色(Overriding default colors)
¥Overriding default colors
¥Override any of the default colors by defining new theme variables with the same name:
@import "tailwindcss";@theme { --color-gray-50: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858); --color-gray-100: oklch(0.968 0.007 247.896); --color-gray-200: oklch(0.929 0.013 255.508); --color-gray-300: oklch(0.869 0.022 252.894); --color-gray-400: oklch(0.704 0.04 256.788); --color-gray-500: oklch(0.554 0.046 257.417); --color-gray-600: oklch(0.446 0.043 257.281); --color-gray-700: oklch(0.372 0.044 257.287); --color-gray-800: oklch(0.279 0.041 260.031); --color-gray-900: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755); --color-gray-950: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695);}
禁用默认颜色(Disabling default colors)
¥Disabling default colors
通过将颜色的主题命名空间设置为 initial
¥Disable any default color by setting the theme namespace for that color to initial
@import "tailwindcss";@theme { --color-lime-*: initial; --color-fuchsia-*: initial;}
这对于从输出中删除你不打算使用的颜色的相应 CSS 变量特别有用。
¥This is especially useful for removing the corresponding CSS variables from your output for colors you don't intend to use.
使用自定义调色板(Using a custom palette)
¥Using a custom palette
使用 --color-*: initial
¥Use --color-*: initial
to completely disable all of the default colors and define your own custom color palette:
@import "tailwindcss";@theme { --color-*: initial; --color-white: #fff; --color-purple: #3f3cbb; --color-midnight: #121063; --color-tahiti: #3ab7bf; --color-bermuda: #78dcca;}
引用其他变量(Referencing other variables)
¥Referencing other variables
定义引用其他颜色的颜色时使用 @theme inline
¥Use @theme inline
when defining colors that reference other colors:
@import "tailwindcss";:root { --acme-canvas-color: oklch(0.967 0.003 264.542);}[data-theme="dark"] { --acme-canvas-color: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);}@theme inline { --color-canvas: var(--acme-canvas-color);}
在 引用其他变量 的主题文档中了解更多信息。
¥Learn more in the theme documentation on referencing other variables.
默认调色板参考(Default color palette reference)
¥Default color palette reference
¥Here's a complete list of the default colors and their values for reference:
@theme { --color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38); --color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717); --color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334); --color-red-300: oklch(0.808 0.114 19.571); --color-red-400: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216); --color-red-500: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331); --color-red-600: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325); --color-red-700: oklch(0.505 0.213 27.518); --color-red-800: oklch(0.444 0.177 26.899); --color-red-900: oklch(0.396 0.141 25.723); --color-red-950: oklch(0.258 0.092 26.042); --color-orange-50: oklch(0.98 0.016 73.684); --color-orange-100: oklch(0.954 0.038 75.164); --color-orange-200: oklch(0.901 0.076 70.697); --color-orange-300: oklch(0.837 0.128 66.29); --color-orange-400: oklch(0.75 0.183 55.934); --color-orange-500: oklch(0.705 0.213 47.604); --color-orange-600: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116); --color-orange-700: oklch(0.553 0.195 38.402); --color-orange-800: oklch(0.47 0.157 37.304); --color-orange-900: oklch(0.408 0.123 38.172); --color-orange-950: oklch(0.266 0.079 36.259); --color-amber-50: oklch(0.987 0.022 95.277); --color-amber-100: oklch(0.962 0.059 95.617); --color-amber-200: oklch(0.924 0.12 95.746); --color-amber-300: oklch(0.879 0.169 91.605); --color-amber-400: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429); --color-amber-500: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08); --color-amber-600: oklch(0.666 0.179 58.318); --color-amber-700: oklch(0.555 0.163 48.998); --color-amber-800: oklch(0.473 0.137 46.201); --color-amber-900: oklch(0.414 0.112 45.904); --color-amber-950: oklch(0.279 0.077 45.635); --color-yellow-50: oklch(0.987 0.026 102.212); --color-yellow-100: oklch(0.973 0.071 103.193); --color-yellow-200: oklch(0.945 0.129 101.54); --color-yellow-300: oklch(0.905 0.182 98.111); --color-yellow-400: oklch(0.852 0.199 91.936); --color-yellow-500: oklch(0.795 0.184 86.047); --color-yellow-600: oklch(0.681 0.162 75.834); --color-yellow-700: oklch(0.554 0.135 66.442); --color-yellow-800: oklch(0.476 0.114 61.907); --color-yellow-900: oklch(0.421 0.095 57.708); --color-yellow-950: oklch(0.286 0.066 53.813); --color-lime-50: oklch(0.986 0.031 120.757); --color-lime-100: oklch(0.967 0.067 122.328); --color-lime-200: oklch(0.938 0.127 124.321); --color-lime-300: oklch(0.897 0.196 126.665); --color-lime-400: oklch(0.841 0.238 128.85); --color-lime-500: oklch(0.768 0.233 130.85); --color-lime-600: oklch(0.648 0.2 131.684); --color-lime-700: oklch(0.532 0.157 131.589); --color-lime-800: oklch(0.453 0.124 130.933); --color-lime-900: oklch(0.405 0.101 131.063); --color-lime-950: oklch(0.274 0.072 132.109); --color-green-50: oklch(0.982 0.018 155.826); --color-green-100: oklch(0.962 0.044 156.743); --color-green-200: oklch(0.925 0.084 155.995); --color-green-300: oklch(0.871 0.15 154.449); --color-green-400: oklch(0.792 0.209 151.711); --color-green-500: oklch(0.723 0.219 149.579); --color-green-600: oklch(0.627 0.194 149.214); --color-green-700: oklch(0.527 0.154 150.069); --color-green-800: oklch(0.448 0.119 151.328); --color-green-900: oklch(0.393 0.095 152.535); --color-green-950: oklch(0.266 0.065 152.934); --color-emerald-50: oklch(0.979 0.021 166.113); --color-emerald-100: oklch(0.95 0.052 163.051); --color-emerald-200: oklch(0.905 0.093 164.15); --color-emerald-300: oklch(0.845 0.143 164.978); --color-emerald-400: oklch(0.765 0.177 163.223); --color-emerald-500: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48); --color-emerald-600: oklch(0.596 0.145 163.225); --color-emerald-700: oklch(0.508 0.118 165.612); --color-emerald-800: oklch(0.432 0.095 166.913); --color-emerald-900: oklch(0.378 0.077 168.94); --color-emerald-950: oklch(0.262 0.051 172.552); --color-teal-50: oklch(0.984 0.014 180.72); --color-teal-100: oklch(0.953 0.051 180.801); --color-teal-200: oklch(0.91 0.096 180.426); --color-teal-300: oklch(0.855 0.138 181.071); --color-teal-400: oklch(0.777 0.152 181.912); --color-teal-500: oklch(0.704 0.14 182.503); --color-teal-600: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704); --color-teal-700: oklch(0.511 0.096 186.391); --color-teal-800: oklch(0.437 0.078 188.216); --color-teal-900: oklch(0.386 0.063 188.416); --color-teal-950: oklch(0.277 0.046 192.524); --color-cyan-50: oklch(0.984 0.019 200.873); --color-cyan-100: oklch(0.956 0.045 203.388); --color-cyan-200: oklch(0.917 0.08 205.041); --color-cyan-300: oklch(0.865 0.127 207.078); --color-cyan-400: oklch(0.789 0.154 211.53); --color-cyan-500: oklch(0.715 0.143 215.221); --color-cyan-600: oklch(0.609 0.126 221.723); --color-cyan-700: oklch(0.52 0.105 223.128); --color-cyan-800: oklch(0.45 0.085 224.283); --color-cyan-900: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392); --color-cyan-950: oklch(0.302 0.056 229.695); --color-sky-50: oklch(0.977 0.013 236.62); --color-sky-100: oklch(0.951 0.026 236.824); --color-sky-200: oklch(0.901 0.058 230.902); --color-sky-300: oklch(0.828 0.111 230.318); --color-sky-400: oklch(0.746 0.16 232.661); --color-sky-500: oklch(0.685 0.169 237.323); --color-sky-600: oklch(0.588 0.158 241.966); --color-sky-700: oklch(0.5 0.134 242.749); --color-sky-800: oklch(0.443 0.11 240.79); --color-sky-900: oklch(0.391 0.09 240.876); --color-sky-950: oklch(0.293 0.066 243.157); --color-blue-50: oklch(0.97 0.014 254.604); --color-blue-100: oklch(0.932 0.032 255.585); --color-blue-200: oklch(0.882 0.059 254.128); --color-blue-300: oklch(0.809 0.105 251.813); --color-blue-400: oklch(0.707 0.165 254.624); --color-blue-500: oklch(0.623 0.214 259.815); --color-blue-600: oklch(0.546 0.245 262.881); --color-blue-700: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376); --color-blue-800: oklch(0.424 0.199 265.638); --color-blue-900: oklch(0.379 0.146 265.522); --color-blue-950: oklch(0.282 0.091 267.935); --color-indigo-50: oklch(0.962 0.018 272.314); --color-indigo-100: oklch(0.93 0.034 272.788); --color-indigo-200: oklch(0.87 0.065 274.039); --color-indigo-300: oklch(0.785 0.115 274.713); --color-indigo-400: oklch(0.673 0.182 276.935); --color-indigo-500: oklch(0.585 0.233 277.117); --color-indigo-600: oklch(0.511 0.262 276.966); --color-indigo-700: oklch(0.457 0.24 277.023); --color-indigo-800: oklch(0.398 0.195 277.366); --color-indigo-900: oklch(0.359 0.144 278.697); --color-indigo-950: oklch(0.257 0.09 281.288); --color-violet-50: oklch(0.969 0.016 293.756); --color-violet-100: oklch(0.943 0.029 294.588); --color-violet-200: oklch(0.894 0.057 293.283); --color-violet-300: oklch(0.811 0.111 293.571); --color-violet-400: oklch(0.702 0.183 293.541); --color-violet-500: oklch(0.606 0.25 292.717); --color-violet-600: oklch(0.541 0.281 293.009); --color-violet-700: oklch(0.491 0.27 292.581); --color-violet-800: oklch(0.432 0.232 292.759); --color-violet-900: oklch(0.38 0.189 293.745); --color-violet-950: oklch(0.283 0.141 291.089); --color-purple-50: oklch(0.977 0.014 308.299); --color-purple-100: oklch(0.946 0.033 307.174); --color-purple-200: oklch(0.902 0.063 306.703); --color-purple-300: oklch(0.827 0.119 306.383); --color-purple-400: oklch(0.714 0.203 305.504); --color-purple-500: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9); --color-purple-600: oklch(0.558 0.288 302.321); --color-purple-700: oklch(0.496 0.265 301.924); --color-purple-800: oklch(0.438 0.218 303.724); --color-purple-900: oklch(0.381 0.176 304.987); --color-purple-950: oklch(0.291 0.149 302.717); --color-fuchsia-50: oklch(0.977 0.017 320.058); --color-fuchsia-100: oklch(0.952 0.037 318.852); --color-fuchsia-200: oklch(0.903 0.076 319.62); --color-fuchsia-300: oklch(0.833 0.145 321.434); --color-fuchsia-400: oklch(0.74 0.238 322.16); --color-fuchsia-500: oklch(0.667 0.295 322.15); --color-fuchsia-600: oklch(0.591 0.293 322.896); --color-fuchsia-700: oklch(0.518 0.253 323.949); --color-fuchsia-800: oklch(0.452 0.211 324.591); --color-fuchsia-900: oklch(0.401 0.17 325.612); --color-fuchsia-950: oklch(0.293 0.136 325.661); --color-pink-50: oklch(0.971 0.014 343.198); --color-pink-100: oklch(0.948 0.028 342.258); --color-pink-200: oklch(0.899 0.061 343.231); --color-pink-300: oklch(0.823 0.12 346.018); --color-pink-400: oklch(0.718 0.202 349.761); --color-pink-500: oklch(0.656 0.241 354.308); --color-pink-600: oklch(0.592 0.249 0.584); --color-pink-700: oklch(0.525 0.223 3.958); --color-pink-800: oklch(0.459 0.187 3.815); --color-pink-900: oklch(0.408 0.153 2.432); --color-pink-950: oklch(0.284 0.109 3.907); --color-rose-50: oklch(0.969 0.015 12.422); --color-rose-100: oklch(0.941 0.03 12.58); --color-rose-200: oklch(0.892 0.058 10.001); --color-rose-300: oklch(0.81 0.117 11.638); --color-rose-400: oklch(0.712 0.194 13.428); --color-rose-500: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439); --color-rose-600: oklch(0.586 0.253 17.585); --color-rose-700: oklch(0.514 0.222 16.935); --color-rose-800: oklch(0.455 0.188 13.697); --color-rose-900: oklch(0.41 0.159 10.272); --color-rose-950: oklch(0.271 0.105 12.094); --color-slate-50: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858); --color-slate-100: oklch(0.968 0.007 247.896); --color-slate-200: oklch(0.929 0.013 255.508); --color-slate-300: oklch(0.869 0.022 252.894); --color-slate-400: oklch(0.704 0.04 256.788); --color-slate-500: oklch(0.554 0.046 257.417); --color-slate-600: oklch(0.446 0.043 257.281); --color-slate-700: oklch(0.372 0.044 257.287); --color-slate-800: oklch(0.279 0.041 260.031); --color-slate-900: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755); --color-slate-950: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695); --color-gray-50: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839); --color-gray-100: oklch(0.967 0.003 264.542); --color-gray-200: oklch(0.928 0.006 264.531); --color-gray-300: oklch(0.872 0.01 258.338); --color-gray-400: oklch(0.707 0.022 261.325); --color-gray-500: oklch(0.551 0.027 264.364); --color-gray-600: oklch(0.446 0.03 256.802); --color-gray-700: oklch(0.373 0.034 259.733); --color-gray-800: oklch(0.278 0.033 256.848); --color-gray-900: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665); --color-gray-950: oklch(0.13 0.028 261.692); --color-zinc-50: oklch(0.985 0 0); --color-zinc-100: oklch(0.967 0.001 286.375); --color-zinc-200: oklch(0.92 0.004 286.32); --color-zinc-300: oklch(0.871 0.006 286.286); --color-zinc-400: oklch(0.705 0.015 286.067); --color-zinc-500: oklch(0.552 0.016 285.938); --color-zinc-600: oklch(0.442 0.017 285.786); --color-zinc-700: oklch(0.37 0.013 285.805); --color-zinc-800: oklch(0.274 0.006 286.033); --color-zinc-900: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885); --color-zinc-950: oklch(0.141 0.005 285.823); --color-neutral-50: oklch(0.985 0 0); --color-neutral-100: oklch(0.97 0 0); --color-neutral-200: oklch(0.922 0 0); --color-neutral-300: oklch(0.87 0 0); --color-neutral-400: oklch(0.708 0 0); --color-neutral-500: oklch(0.556 0 0); --color-neutral-600: oklch(0.439 0 0); --color-neutral-700: oklch(0.371 0 0); --color-neutral-800: oklch(0.269 0 0); --color-neutral-900: oklch(0.205 0 0); --color-neutral-950: oklch(0.145 0 0); --color-stone-50: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423); --color-stone-100: oklch(0.97 0.001 106.424); --color-stone-200: oklch(0.923 0.003 48.717); --color-stone-300: oklch(0.869 0.005 56.366); --color-stone-400: oklch(0.709 0.01 56.259); --color-stone-500: oklch(0.553 0.013 58.071); --color-stone-600: oklch(0.444 0.011 73.639); --color-stone-700: oklch(0.374 0.01 67.558); --color-stone-800: oklch(0.268 0.007 34.298); --color-stone-900: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043); --color-stone-950: oklch(0.147 0.004 49.25); --color-black: #000; --color-white: #fff;}
如果你想重用这些比例中的任何一个但使用不同的名称,例如重新定义 --color-gray-*
以使用 --color-slate-*
¥This can be useful if you want to reuse any of these scales but under a different name, like redefining --color-gray-*
to use the --color-slate-*