类 | 样式 |
whitespace-normal | white-space: normal; |
whitespace-nowrap | white-space: nowrap; |
whitespace-pre | white-space: pre; |
whitespace-pre-line | white-space: pre-line; |
whitespace-pre-wrap | white-space: pre-wrap; |
whitespace-break-spaces | white-space: break-spaces; |
使用 whitespace-normal
¥Use the whitespace-normal
utility to cause text to wrap normally within an element. Newlines and spaces will be collapsed:
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2022 and we still don’t know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien. You will never know.
<p class="whitespace-normal">Hey everyone!It's almost 2022 and we still don't know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien.You will never know.</p>
无换行(No Wrap)
¥No Wrap
使用 whitespace-nowrap
工具防止文本在 元素。换行符和空格将被折叠:
¥Use the whitespace-nowrap
utility to prevent text from wrapping within an element. Newlines and spaces will be collapsed:
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2022 and we still don’t know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien. You will never know.
<p class="overflow-auto whitespace-nowrap">Hey everyone!It's almost 2022 and we still don't know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien.You will never know.</p>
使用 whitespace-pre
¥Use the whitespace-pre
utility to preserve newlines and spaces within an element. Text will not be wrapped:
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2022 and we still don’t know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien. You will never know.
<p class="overflow-auto whitespace-pre">Hey everyone!It's almost 2022 and we still don't know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien.You will never know.</p>
预线(Pre Line)
¥Pre Line
使用 whitespace-pre-line
¥Use the whitespace-pre-line
utility to preserve newlines but not spaces within an element. Text will be wrapped normally:
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2022 and we still don’t know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien. You will never know.
<p class="whitespace-pre-line">Hey everyone!It's almost 2022 and we still don't know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien.You will never know.</p>
预封装(Pre Wrap)
¥Pre Wrap
使用 whitespace-pre-wrap
¥Use the whitespace-pre-wrap
utility to preserve newlines and spaces within an element. Text will be wrapped normally:
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2022 and we still don’t know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien. You will never know.
<p class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Hey everyone!It's almost 2022 and we still don't know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien.You will never know.</p>
中断空格(Break Spaces)
¥Break Spaces
使用 whitespace-break-spaces
¥Use the whitespace-break-spaces
utility to preserve newlines and spaces within an element. White space at the end of lines will not hang, but will wrap to the next line:
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2022 and we still don’t know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien. You will never know.
<p class="whitespace-break-spaces">Hey everyone!It's almost 2022 and we still don't know if there are aliens living among us, or do we? Maybe the person writing this is an alien.You will never know.</p>
响应式设计(Responsive design)
¥Responsive design
在 white-space
工具前面使用断点变体如 md:
仅在 medium 屏幕尺寸及以上时应用工具:
<p class="whitespace-pre md:whitespace-normal ..."> <!-- ... --></p>
请参阅 变体文档 详细了解如何使用变体。