1. Getting Started
  2. Framework Guides


开始使用 Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS 的工作原理是扫描所有 HTML 文件、JavaScript 组件、以及任何其他模板中的类名,生成相应的样式,然后将它们写入静态 CSS 文件。

它快速、灵活且可靠 — 具有零运行时间。


特定于框架的指南涵盖了我们在许多流行环境中安装 Tailwind CSS 的推荐方法。

  • Next.js

    Full-featured React framework with great developer experience.

  • Laravel

    PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

  • Nuxt

    Intuitive Vue framework for building universal applications.

  • SolidJS

    A tool for building simple, performant, and reactive user interfaces.

  • SvelteKit

    The fastest way to build apps of all sizes with Svelte.js.

  • Angular

    Platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.

  • Ruby on Rails

    Full-stack framework with all the tools needed to build amazing web apps.

  • React Router

    A standards‑focused router you can deploy anywhere.

  • Phoenix

    A framework to build rich, interactive applications with Elixir.

  • Parcel

    The zero-configuration build tool for the web.

  • Symfony

    A PHP framework to create websites and web applications.

  • Meteor

    The full stack JavaScript framework for developing cross-platform apps.

  • AdonisJS

    A fully featured web framework for Node.js.

  • Ember.js

    A JavaScript framework for ambitious web developers.

  • Astro

    The all-in-one web framework designed for speed.

  • Qwik

    Build instantly-interactive web apps without effort.

  • Rspack

    A fast Rust-based web bundler.

没有看到你选择的框架?请尝试使用 Tailwind CLIVite 插件PostCSS 插件
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